Wednesday 4 August 2010

Wrong way to stop Sweden democrats

The liberal party Folkpartiet Liberalerna announced today that they want to ban face veils such as niqabs or burquas in Swedish schools.

The argument is that it should be easier to see and communicate with each other and that teachers are suppose to see that they are grading the right pupil.

First I am not going to discuss the issue itself. What strikes me more is the timing of the announcement.

In September its election. It comes at a time where the extreme right-wing party The Sweden democrats have shown risng numbers in the polls. They are close to making the four percent limit line of votes which is required to get seates in the Swedish parliament. This is of course a way to try to bloc them from getting votes, but in my opinion its note the right way to handle this problem.

One should discuss the integration question in large instead of throwing out populist proposals just before the election. By doing like Folkpartiet we are pushing the limits for what is acceptable in society and I believe that unfortunately benefits the Sweden democrats in the long run. The next proposal to blocing the Sweden democrats from the Swedish parliament might be more extreme, the next even more extreme. And so it might continue election after election, which would of course be a dangerous development. I want real discussion about integration, then the Sweden democrats will show their true face and also lose votes. That is my conviction.

This comes not long after the decision in France where as i understand it, no one can no longer wear face weils in public, which I must say is frightening. Of course you must be ablo wear what you want when youre walking on the street!

What is interresting about this subject in general is that it shows one of the fundamental issues within democracy which has to be discussed on a regular basis: When different values which can all be attributed to democracy are clashing.

Take this latest proposal from Folkpartiet. One might argue one must be able to coomunicate in a democracy, especially in a vital institution such as the school. Also, one might claim religion should not be "visible" in the secular "neutral" school. On the other hand you can claim it is violating one´s freedom of religious beliefs. We MUST discuss this and get a intelligent and civilised debate. Otherwise The sweden democrats can continue to blame all society´s ills on immigrants.

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