Wednesday 30 June 2010

Sweden as republic

Normally I blog about music as "the drumming cat", but from now on I will also try to blog about politics, society etc. This is not a blog with a clear poltical colour, so wether your left or right, please comment and share your own thougts.

Thought a good first topic would be to discuss the political system in Sweden. As you might know Sweden still have a monarchy. May be without "real power" to make decisions, but it is still a situation where someone who is representing Sweden inherits his/her position which is in my mind most un-democratic.

As a republican I have tried to debate Swedens form of government on different internet forums. What strikes me most is that the royalistics defence for monarchy is that he is a symbol for Sweden and its people. In my mind the monarchy represents that it is ok to inherrit power in a democratic country. When a family in the constitution is guaranteed money from the state and the position as king/queen from generation to generation, that is power... And clearly, if the king represents Sweden on his journeys abroad, shouldnt I have right to decide who that person is?

Stating that someone is suppose to represent the entire country requires a democratic election. This system doesnt represent me as a Swede, why should I just have to accept the situation and not be able to vote for another candidate if I dont feel this person represents me?

After the wedding which I didn´t like at all I immediattelly joined Sweden´s republican association to hopefully put the last non-democratic institution in Sweden in the history books.

/The cat goes political

/The Cat goes political

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